Our Services

Lady with Neck Pain / Headache

Service Menu

New Patient Exam | $110

Established Patient Exam | $100

Singe Treatment Session (Exam required before treatment, choose one below) | $70

  • Chiropractic Adjustment - The realignment of joints using applied manual pressure that improves mobility, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain. Adjustments can often result in a mild popping or cracking sound.

  • Myofascial Release - Targeted deep tissue manipulation that breaks down fascial distortions and renews the body’s foundational structure to energize and strengthen the neuromuscular system.

  • Neuromuscular Retraining - A type of physical therapy focused on the brain-body connection, using exercise designed to optimize neural pathway communication and restore proper muscular function and movement.

  • Cupping - An ancient form of therapy using specialized cups placed on the body to release tense muscles, promote increased blood flow, and encourage movement of energy.

  • Prenatal & Postnatal- Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) to perform Webster technique on pregnant patients. This evaluation and adjustment protocol focuses on hip mobility, pelvic floor balance, low back stability, and room for baby.

Kinesiology Taping | $10

  • A therapeutic adhesive applied directly to areas of injury that stabilizes the joint and muscle structure, reduces pain and swelling, and accelerates recovery.



Most Popular! Our bodies require continuous maintenance and support to function at their best. At Che Chiropractic, we help make upkeep easy by providing care that is tailor-made for you.

Personalized Wellness Plan: $530

Single Patient Exam Included

Custom Care Plan of 9 Treatments

Kinesiology Taping Included (as needed)

Succulent Bloom

Carefully curated plans to provide our clients with the best care. Choose a package to save 30% on you health investment today!

Meditation Maze


Recommended for patients experiencing acute or chronic pain and injury. Through a blended use of healing techniques, our Che doctors restore and empower the body, no matter the source of pain.

Personalized Recovery Plan: $710

Single Patient Exam Included

Custom Care Plan of 14 Treatments

Kinesiology Taping Included (as needed)

Empower your body today…